The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered Wednesdays at noon until 1:00 pm and Saturdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm in the Church .
First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist (Holy Communion)
The celebration of First Reconciliation and First Communion occur during the second grade year for students who have been baptized. Older students who have not received either of these sacraments are eligible if they have been baptized.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION:Sacramental preparation is the responsibility of the parent. To aid you in this process, a parent orientation meeting and three sacramental preparation classes will be presented for each sacrament. Refer to the church calendar for the scheduled times and dates. The parent(s) or an approved designated adult and the child must attend these classes. Older candidates will also be required to complete the same take home materials with a parent/approved adult. These materials are designed to help everyone prepare to receive each sacrament.
If you have any questions please contact the Coordinator of Children's Faith Formation, Raquel Hinojosa at 409-925-3579 ext 208 or